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New 2024 Pain Relief Report

Forgotten 60 Minutes
Episode Reveals The
#1 TRUE Cause Of Joint Pain

(And How To Fix It Naturally —Without Pills)



Dr. Stanley Jacob*** died fighting a war he didn’t start.

Not against terrorists…

But a battle against our very own government and medical system.

Until his last breath…

This Harvard doctor1 fought to bring his life’s work to Americans like you, who are in pain:

?A new, all-natural remedy that’s been proven to be 500% more effective than any painkiller.

It wipes away pain — whether it’s from:




Bone-on-bone grinding

Or muscle strain.

It allows pain sufferers to eliminate chronic pain from any part of their body

Without addictive medication, or dangerous surgery…

And it doesn’t come with a single side effect.

See, his office quickly became ground zero for Hollywood stars, NFL and MLB athletes, and Americans just like you...

People Desperately in Need
of Instant Pain Relief…

…until Big Pharma hunted him down.

They couldn’t patent and sell his natural and safe breakthrough...

So they dragged Dr. Jacob before Congress2...

Slapped him with a gag order…

And did everything in their power to ensure that the 60 Minutes episode never got out.

All this time, his landmark finding that erases pain, even when nothing else can…

It’s been kept from you.

Today, for the first time on this short page…

I’ll Prove That You’ve Been Lied to, When It Comes to the True Root
Cause of Pain…

… and you’ll learn how to use Dr. Jacob’s at-home fix to obtain instant and lasting pain relief.

 No matter your age or genes…

Whether you’re suffering from searing knee pain…

Stiff and aching fingers…

A “locked-up” shoulder, neck, fingers or lower back…

Unbearable pain anywhere else…

This works.

Even if you’re certain — and terrified — your pain will rob you of your independence for good one day.

You might’ve been told your only options to stop the pain are pills or surgery.

Dr. Jacob’s Discovery Proves
That’s a Flat-Out Lie.

He’s helped tens of thousands of Americans like you cancel their scheduled surgeries…

?And leap right back into their favorite hobbies with flexible, cushioned, pain-free joints.


The same way God has intended for you.

It’s possible because Dr. Jacob uncovered a new biological pathway that’s at the root of all joint pain.

It has nothing to do with cartilage wear and tear, synovial fluid deficiency, or inflammation.

Yes, even if an X-ray claims otherwise.

Instead… it comes down to a collection of newly-discovered cells deep inside your joints3.

Think of Them as a
Breaker Box for Pain.

When a switch in this breaker box is flipped “on”,
for reasons you’ll discover shortly…

Your joints will erupt in agony.

Yet when you shut off the activity of these cells with the 5-second pain remedy I’m about to share…

The world’s first and only natural solution capable enough to do so…

You’ll shut off pain — forever...


Cumbersome CBD creams, injections, braces, heat/ice packs…

Uncomfortable massages, strenuous stretching exercises…

Or harmful pills and powders.

In fact, a recent study showed that this natural remedy benefited 77% of its participants with rheumatoid arthritis, who experienced rapid pain relief for the first time in decades...

As well as 84% of its participants with osteoarthritis, who also slashed their pain significantly4.

In the short time this page has been up...

Thousands of Americans
Have Used Dr. Jacob’s Natural Remedy To Become Pain-Free: