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CircO2 Supplements - Health

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Our Circ02 nitric oxide supplement is setting the affiliate world on FIRE.


Not only is Circ02 in high demand, but this offer is converting incredibly well compared to competing products.


Circ02 is a nitric oxide supplement designed to support the production of nitric oxide. The supplement helps to promote healthy blood circulation and immune system support. Circ02 contains a blend of natural ingredients such as beet root and L-Citrulline, known for their potential to encourage the body's nitric oxide production. The product is non-GMO and gluten-free, emphasizing its broad appeal to health-conscious consumers. Advanced Bionutritionals' Circ02 has garnered over a thousand positive reviews, showcasing its safety and effectiveness as a nitric oxide-boosting supplement.


Key benefits:


- Boosts energy


- Balances blood pressure


- Promotes a restful night’s sleep every night


- Helps you look and feel younger


- Sharpens your memory and focus


Superhuman at 70!

How an MIT scientist’s discovery is helping thousands of people live their best lives in their 70s, 80s, and beyond


At the age of 70, Mike seems almost “superhuman.”

He tours as a drummer in 2 rock bands … and plays marathon sets that last until the wee hours of the morning. One of his bands was even featured in a recent 3-day festival under the sweltering Nevada sun.

Mike loves every minute of it! He tells people he’s living his retirement dream. And his smile says it all.

When you see him now, it’s hard to believe Mike came so close to missing out on the dream he worked so hard for.

For 37 years, Mike worked as an elementary school custodian. But he was a musician at heart. He knew he wanted to get back to playing the drums as soon as he retired and had more time.

But when that time came, Mike was just too tired. He didn’t have the energy he used to have. And to top it off, his fingers would get cold and numb. Sometimes they’d even fall asleep for no reason at all. That alone could have been the end of his dream.

And Mike’s not alone. There’s also Eddie.

When Eddie was in his 60s, his health took a nosedive. It was so bad he had to stop doing a lot of the things he loved most in life. But now at 82, Eddie also feels superhuman. And he acts it, too!

He plays 2 hours of tennis several times a week and competes in tournaments. He also swims regularly, travels, and he and his wife still enjoy a steamy sex life.



Then there’s Des. For 15 years he couldn’t walk up a flight of stairs without feeling discomfort in his knees. It got so bad that it even hurt walking on a flat surface. He tried taking “joint care” supplements, but they didn’t do much.

Des’ blood pressure was also higher than it used to be. He felt like he was falling apart. And he was starting to worry about what his future would be like if things continued along this path.

But once Des heard about what I’m going to share with you here today, he started to feel much better. In just a few weeks, his blood pressure came down … and his knee discomfort vanished. Best of all, he didn’t make any changes to his diet or exercise regimen.

So how did Des, Eddie, and Mike go from feeling worn out and old to feeling superhuman?

All It Took Was One Simple Thing

They all improved their health by improving the function of their endothelium (end-oh-THEE- lee-um).


The endothelium is a layer of cells that lines your blood vessels. It’s in the major arteries in your heart and lungs. It’s even in the tiniest capillaries in your fingers and toes, your eyes, and in every one of your organs.

In fact, the endothelium is the largest organ in your body. If you could spread it out, the cells would cover almost 2 entire football fields! And we now know the endothelium is one of the most important organs concerning your health.

People with a healthy endothelium feel good. They have few if any symptoms and stay active. When you see an older person who looks and acts younger than their age, they’re sure to have a healthy endothelium.

The reason why the endothelium is so vital is because it controls blood flow throughout your entire body. When you have good blood flow, fresh oxygen and nutrients are delivered to all your organs, tissues, and cells. This keeps everything working the way it should!

But if you have poor blood flow, your cells will be slowly deprived of oxygen and vital nutrients. For many people, the first sign of poor blood flow is they start feeling low on energy some days … or like they need to grab a cup of coffee or something sugary to get through the afternoon.

For other people they notice they have a harder time sleeping or have difficulty concentrating or remembering things. Or maybe, like Mike, their hands and feet get cold more easily or their fingers go numb.

Other signs of a sluggish endothelium are declining vision, a lower sex drive, discomfort in the knees or other joints, or an increase in blood pressure or cholesterol levels.

This is when people often say they’re starting to feel “old.”

The fact is, most of the things we think are “health problems” are actually just symptoms. They have an underlying cause. And whenever people have any of the symptoms mentioned earlier, the underlying cause is most likely a sluggish endothelium.

Here’s The Solution

Today I’m going to tell you about a surprising discovery made by an MIT scientist … and how it led to an extraordinary breakthrough that allows your body to restore your endothelium. This reverses many of the symptoms that can slowly deteriorate your quality of life as you get older.

It’s how Mike, Eddie, and Des reversed their symptoms and are now healthier and more active than ever. I’m going to show you exactly how you can do the same, too. In fact, what I’m going to tell you has already helped thousands of people. Just like them, you can:

Restore healthy blood pressure…
without doing anything that causes unpleasant side effects

Supercharge your energy!
Get back to doing more of the things you love … play more tennis, spend time in the garden, enjoy time with your grandchildren, or hit the dance floor

Wake up feeling well-rested and raring to go!
No more tossing and turning or waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to get back to sleep

Eliminate swelling in your joints…
and enjoy the freedom to move without discomfort

Improve your memory…
remember people’s names, where you put your keys, and what you wanted to get from the room you just walked into

Restore flexibility to your arteries…
so your heart and circulatory system stay healthy

Improve your lung function and reverse breathing difficulties…
no more feeling winded or out of breath

Plan a second honeymoon!
Why not? With all the energy and everything back to “working the way it should,” you may enjoy it more than your first one!

But before we tell you about the discovery, there’s something you need to know about the endothelium.

For a long time, the medical community thought it was just a barrier that separates your blood from the tissue walls. But in 1980, a pharmacologist from New York named Robert Furchgott discovered it does much more than that.

Furchgott discovered that the endothelium controls your blood vessels. It makes them relax and dilate when you need more blood flow. So when the endothelium doesn’t work well, your blood flow is restricted.

Since your blood delivers oxygen and vital nutrients to your cells, you can see how important the endothelium is in controlling your overall health.

But there was something about the endothelium that puzzled Furchgott. He couldn’t explain why sometimes it would relax and allow more blood flow, while other times it didn’t.

Nobel Prize Winners Crack the Code

While Furchgott was doing his research, 2 other scientists were doing research of their own. They had discovered a mysterious molecule that seemed to appear out of nowhere and quickly spread throughout the body. Wherever it went, the molecule sent signals that affected the nearby cells.

When Furchgott found out about their research, he wondered if there was a connection with the endothelial cells.

Turns out he was right! And when the 3 scientists combined their research, Furchgott’s mystery was solved!

It turns out the signaling molecule was a very fragile gas called nitric oxide. Nitric oxide sends messages to the endothelium that tell it to relax and allow more blood flow.

The nitric oxide discovery was so revolutionary that in 1998, it earned all 3 scientists the Nobel Prize. And it set off a massive wave of research around the world.


Nitric oxide is essential for your health and overall wellbeing. It’s as important for your body as oil is for your car.

As you may know, if you stop getting the oil changed in a car, the engine will get gummed up. Eventually, it will run out of oil. And without oil, it won’t be long before your car suffers a critical engine failure.

Well it’s the same with nitric oxide. But instead of it being an oil, it’s a gas that keeps the endothelium healthy, so your body stays fueled with oxygen and nutrient-rich blood.

And here’s something else you need to know about nitric oxide. It’s actually very fragile. It lasts only a few seconds before it disappears. So your body needs a constant new supply to keep you healthy and active. That’s why if a person is low on nitric oxide and suddenly gets more of it, they can feel the difference almost immediately.

Nitric oxide is nothing short of a health miracle-maker! It’s so important that your body has 2 ways to make it.

The first way happens right in the endothelium. There’s a process that converts an amino acid called L-arginine [L-AR-jeh-neen] into nitric oxide.

But if your endothelium starts to get sluggish, the L-arginine has a harder time converting into nitric oxide. In fact, once people get past their 20s, their nitric oxide often plummets.

A study showed that most people in their 70s have lost 75% of their nitric oxide! No wonder so many people develop health symptoms and stop enjoying life.